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High Quality Ecological Services at Affordable Prices

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Reptile Presence/Absence Survey

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T: 07443652988  


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Reptile Presence/Absence Surveys are conducted by suitably experienced ecologists, to determine if there are any reptile species present on site, which could potentially be impacted on by the development works.

UK reptile species include: adder (Vipera berus), common lizard (Lacerta vivipara), grass snake (Natrix helvetica), sand lizard (Lacerta agilis), slow worm (Aguis fragilis) and smooth snake (Coronella austriaca).  

Reptile Presence/Absence Surveys involve ecologists deploying upwards of 50 reptile refugia per site and then checking them over 7 visits.  The reptile refugia are positioned in areas where reptiles are likely to be present on site. 

Reptile Presence/Absence Surveys are conducted between 8:30am and 11:00am or 4:00pm and 6:30pm in April, May and September.  The air temperature on each visit must be between 9 - 18°C.    

If reptiles are present on site, a Translocation may be required before development works can commence, so that injury/killing of reptiles is avoided.     


If you need a quote for a Reptile Presence/Absence Survey, get in touch and we answer your quote request within 24 hours.  

The report we provide is written in accordance with the current standards and guidelines, making them suitable for accompanying planning applications.  


You can expect your bespoke Reptile Presence/Absence Survey report to be delivered to you within 3-5 working days, following the completion of the final visit. 


Reptile Translocation

Get In Touch

T: 07443652988  


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A Reptile Translocation is where a suitably experienced ecologist captures reptiles from a proposed development site and releases them safely to a predetermined suitable receptor site.  Full planning consent is required before a reptile translocation can take place. 

A Reptile Translocation may be necessary, if reptiles have been discovered by an ecologist during the Reptile Presence/Absence Survey.  


Reptile Translocation involves erecting a specially designed reptile-proof fence around the site to prevent reptiles from entering the site during the translocation exercise.  The ecologist deploys as many reptile refugia as necessary within the site and checks them daily for reptiles, during suitable weather conditions. Once no reptiles have been found for five consecutive days, normally a destructive search is required, to clear the site of all vegetation, ensuring the site is left unsuitable for reptiles. A destructive search should be proceeded by site clearance and construction as soon as possible.  

Reptile Translocation visits are conducted daily between 8:30am and 11:00am or 4:00pm and 6:30pm in April, May and September.  The air temperature on each visit must be between 9 - 18°C.      

If you need a quote for a Reptile Translocation, get in touch and we answer your quote request within 24 hours.  

The report we provide is written in accordance with the current standards and guidelines, making them suitable for accompanying planning applications.  

You can expect your bespoke Reptile Translocation report to be delivered to you within 3-5 working days, following the completion of the final visit.  

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